From August 2017 to March 2018 Aegis Archaeology Ltd carried out an excavation at No 25 Quay St and 2-5 Quay Lane, Galway. No 25 contains the upstanding remains of a late 16th centurystone house, while Nos 2-5 Quay Lane consists of a stone house from the late 18th century, which was subsequently divided into smaller cottages in the middle of the 19th century. These were occupied until the early 2000s.
This excavation proved to be one of the most significant excavations carried out in recent years in Galway. A layer of organic material (known as the ‘Galway Layer’ ) extended across the site to an average depth of 1 metre. This layer contained medieval pottery, as well as animal and fish bone. Excavation also revealed that the 16th century house was built on top of the foundations of the de Burgo castle, which was built in 1232. The last record of the castle is from 1280, at which time it is believed that stone from the structurewas used to build the nearby Hall of the Red Earl. Excavation below the level of the castle revealed a raised area of boulders and smaller stones. This is believed to be the remains of the O’Flaherty stronghold, or ‘dun’ from the early 1100’s. Radio-carbon dating is expected to confirm this hypothesis. Post-excavation work is on-going.
Download:Galway’s missing castle PDF. (client flyer).